Canine/Feline Wellness Schedule

Canine Wellness Schedule

Age Services at the discretion of your attending veterinarian and individual pet.
8-11 weeks
  • Fecal-Parasite Test
  • DHPP #1
  • Bordetella
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite Prevention (monthly)
  • Flea/Tick Prevention (monthly)
12-15 weeks
  • DHPP #2
  • Lepto #1
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite Prevention (monthly)
  • Flea/Tick Prevention (monthly)
  • Lifestyle Vaccines
  • CIV #1
16-19 weeks
  • Fecal-Parasite Test
  • DHPP #3
  • Lepto #2
  • Rabies
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite Prevention (monthly)
  • Flea/Tick Prevention (monthly)
  • Lifestyle Vaccines
  • CIV #2
6 months
  • Spay/Neuter
  • Microchip
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite Prevention (ProHeart6 or monthly)
  • Flea/Tick Prevention (monthly)
  • At home dental care
1-6 years
  • DHPP 1yr or 3 yr*
  • Rabies 1yr or 3yr*
  • Lepto 1yr
  • Heartworm/Fecal-Parasite Test
  • Junior Early Detection Bloodwork
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite Prevention (ProHeart12 or monthly)
  • Flea/Tick Prevention (monthly)
  • Lifestyle Vaccines
  • Bordetella
  • CIV 1 yr
  • At home dental care + dental cleanings on recommendation
7+ years
  • DHPP 3 yr*
  • Rabies 3yr*
  • Lepto 1yr
  • Heartworm/Fecal-Parasite Test
  • Senior Early Detection Bloodwork
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite Prevention (ProHeart12 or monthly)
  • Flea/Tick Prevention (monthly)
  • Lifestyle Vaccines
  • Bordetella
  • CIV 1 yr
  • At home dental care + dental cleanings on recommendation

* Must meet qualifications for 3 year vaccine

Feline Wellness Schedule

Age Services
8-11 weeks
  • Fecal/Parasite Test
  • FVRCP #1
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite/Flea Prevention (monthly)
  • Combo Test
12-15 weeks
  • FVRCP #2
  • Leukemia #1 (all cats)
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite/Flea Prevention (monthly)
16-19 weeks
  • FVRCP #3
  • Leukemia #2 (all cats)
  • Rabies 1 yr
  • Fecal/Parasite Test
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite/Flea Prevention (monthly)
6 months
  • Spay/Neuter
  • Microchip
  • Repeat Combo testing (if needed)
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite/Flea Prevention (monthly)
1-6 years
  • FVRCP 1yr or 3 yr*
  • Rabies 1yr or 3 yr**
  • Leukemia 1 yr (for cats that go outside)
  • Fecal/Parasite Test
  • Junior Early Detection Bloodwork
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite/Flea Prevention (monthly)
7+ years
  • FVRCP every 3 years*
  • Rabies every 1 or 3 years**
  • Leukemia yearly (for cats that go outside)
  • Fecal/Parasite Test
  • Senior Early Detection Bloodwork
  • Heartworm/Intestinal Parasite/Flea Prevention (monthly)

* Must meet qualifications for a 3 year vaccine

** Must meet qualifications for a 3 year vaccine and owner must elect for 3 year vaccine prior to administration
